Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 2 of the challange

Several of us had a great week.  Lisa and Joe are talking trash at every turn. I had one meal I had a melt down. I went nuts on almonds and grass feed butter.  I overslept a couple of times and ended with 8 hrs of sleep more often than I would normally. Dave's Total points for week 2 212 total points for challenge 407  . Also, the spreadsheet was a little hard to read and a couple of errors in it. You most likely uncovered them, but I will email you an updated one. Remember you have to give me total for the week and total for the entire challenge. 


  1. My total for this week is 95. I realized that I eat Paleo most of the time and if I would just measure what I'm eating and do it "Zone" I would have a lot more points. My total for both weeks is 180, so it took me 2 weeks and I didn't even catch Joe's first week total!! All I will say to that is "show Off" :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great score Dave! Keep up the good work.

  4. My Week 2 total was 90 and my total for both is 94. Being away from home is my hardest issue, I fall into not eating at all and when I do it is cheat meals. Soon or later I will get this figured out.

  5. I had a rough week this week filled with days and late nights at the office prepping for several trials scheduled on top of one another. I missed a few of my normal workouts too. My score for the week was 86. Total so far is 220. Next week will be a bit quieter at work. My goals are to figure out how to zone my meals and get my normal workouts in.

  6. Ok a tip for all of you. Get 5 mini peppers 5 almonds and 1 oz of grilled chicken. On sunday put In bags in multiples of 2 to 5. Put in frig for the week on sunday. Then. Uou have a zone paleo fast food resurant in your kitchen.
