Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nutrition Challenge Week Four

This was probably the hardest week for me so far. I am constantly feeling hungry and fatigued. I struggle with playing two hours of Frisbee and all I can think about is food. Tuesday night I had a spectacular cheat meal and felt pretty good on Wednesday. But by Friday I was feeling like I needed another cheat meal. We tested ten minutes of Cindy and the 800 run Friday night and I had the following results: Cindy + 32 reps, Run + 12 seconds. That is a net gain of 20 points although I did not test back squat I think it has gone down. I am looking forward to seeing what the competitiveness of the final test does for performance. This weeks points 207. I have to subtract four points from last weeks points due to some bad math last week, so my points for Week three are 203. Total competition points: 822


  1. 154 points this week. Had several great workouts and am feeling pretty energetic for the most part. I did have 2 cheat meals this week that dropped my point total a bit. I'm doing well with the fish oil, sleep hours, water consumption, and I'm trying to get at least one meal per day zone compliant.

  2. Molly, what are your total points for the competition?
